Champions League: 60.000 Fans von Borussia Dortmund stimmen in London auf Finale ein​


Champions-League-Finale: Dortmund-Fans übernehmen London

Hours before the kickoff at Wembley Stadium, fans of Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid have already started to get in the mood for the Champions League final this evening (21:00/CET, ZDF and DAZN). The city center, particularly around Hyde Park, Westminster, and Paddington, has been taken over by BVB fans.

Ich sage, wir gewinnen! (I say, we'll win!) was the confident cry from the Dortmund fans, who flooded the streets of London in their yellow and black outfits, singing fan songs and waving flags. Even London's iconic double-decker buses were turned into BVB fanmobiles, driving through the city with loud cheers and chants.

Hyde Park: Treffpunkt der BVB-Fans

Hyde Park: Treffpunkt der BVB-Fans

In Hyde Park itself, a fan meeting took place, where hundreds of fans gathered, clad in their BVB jerseys, scarves, and special final T-shirts. Only a few Real Madrid fans were spotted amidst the sea of yellow and black.

Reus, der Unvollendete (Reus, the Unfinished One) was one of the many fan chants echoing through the streets of London. The BVB fans, who have traveled from all over Germany, are determined to make their presence felt in the British capital.

Wembley: Schicksalsort des deutschen Fußballs

Wembley: Schicksalsort des deutschen Fußballs

Both teams have officially received 25,000 tickets each for the final. However, it's expected that many more Dortmund fans will find their way into the nearly 90,000-seat stadium. In total, around 60,000 BVB fans are expected to be in London, making it a truly black and yellow invasion.

Das müssen Sie zum Champions-League-Finale 2024 wissen (What you need to know about the 2024 Champions League final): The match will be broadcast on ZDF and DAZN, and fans without tickets can still celebrate at the Willesden Football Club stadium, where two large fan parties have been organized for the weekend.

According to media reports, London's public transportation network is expected to be extremely busy over the weekend. But for the BVB fans, it's all worth it to be part of this historic moment in London.

60.000 BVB-Fans – London in schwarz-gelber Hand (60,000 BVB fans – London in black and yellow hands): The city is ready to be painted yellow and black, and the atmosphere is electric. It's going to be a night to remember for the BVB fans!

Klaus Schmitz

Ich bin Klaus, ein Experte und leidenschaftlicher Autor für Real Raw News, einer digitalen Generalistenzeitung mit Schwerpunkt auf nationalen Nachrichten in Deutschland. Meine Leidenschaft gilt der Berichterstattung über aktuelle Ereignisse in den Bereichen Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. Ich bin stets bestrebt, unseren Lesern fundierte und aktuelle Informationen zu liefern, die sie informieren und zum Nachdenken anregen. Mit meiner langjährigen Erfahrung im Journalismus und meiner Liebe zur deutschen Sprache bin ich stolz darauf, Teil des Teams von Real Raw News zu sein.

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